Saturday, March 31, 2012

Infection and slight bleeding

Jane was sent to ICU again yesterday.  The thrombocyte count was 6000. They said Jane get an infection and there is a slight bleeding on the brain. We feel worry and sad. We pray that God may heal her soon...


  1. Praying so hard for Beautiful Baby Jane. My dausghter was born may 2011 with HLHS as well. She flew home to heaven 20 days later... Sending baby Jane and her parents and family a lot of love and prayers...

  2. Hope Jane will be much better sooner. Help her always God; as YOU are the only one who can heal Jane from this very hard situation.
    Besides, give the parents brave heart, body and soul to face these conditions.
    I love you Jane....U're so beautiful ^_*
    Recover soon strong for everybody's waiting Ur recovery and growth later. GBU and Ur parents always.
